Thursday, November 28, 2019

How to Maintain a Healthy Work-Life Balance as a Translator

Would you like to be more productive at work and enjoy greater job satisfaction? How about being more relaxed during your free time? When you achieve the right work-life balance as a translator, you can experience all of this and more. 
Working as a freelance translator is something that the majority of us do in order to put our passion for languages to good use. However, let’s be honest, there are times when translation can be a cruel taskmaster. When you’ve got projects stacking up, clients waiting for you to get back to them and leads that you just can’t find time to follow up, it’s easy for your stress levels to soar and the right work-life balance to go out of the window. 
That’s why, after providing translation services to thousands of clients around the world, the Tomedes team felt it was only right to share our translation and freelancing knowledge. Today’s focus? Ten top tips on maintaining a healthy work-life balance as a translator. Read on to discover all you need to know.  

1. Keep Your Workspace Serene

It’s important to have a dedicated workspace that is distinct and separate from your personal life. Those providing translation services while working from home can achieve this by having a home office in which to undertake their translation work. If you don’t have an entire room to dedicate to work, a clean, uncluttered desk area will certainly suffice. 
What’s important is that the place in which you work has its own ‘work vibe’ so that, as soon as you sit down, your brain is free to focus on the work at hand, rather than being distracted by piles of dirty dishes or a blaring television!